Family-Owned Local Dunnellon Florist serving Dunnellon, Moriston, and the surrounding areas.
LOCAL: (352) 489-9572

Graduation Flowers
Graduation Special Designer's Choice in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Graduation Special
Designer's Choice
Make a good memory last with our graduation flowers! Our expert florists will design an arrangement that is sure to impress. Make them feel loved and congratulated for this special achievement in life! Send these stunning flowers to celebrate them on their big day.
Shown at $60.00
Shown at $60.00
Always and Forever Garden Roses Bouquet in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Always and Forever
Garden Roses Bouquet
Take the traditional bouquet of roses to the next level with this arrangement! Succulent red roses are highlighted with delicate purple caspia for a new twist on an old favorite. Show her you mean forever with these flowers. Order online or call us today!
Shown at $70.00
Shown at $70.00
Ambrosia Roses Bouquet in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Ambrosia Roses
Brighten up any room with Ambrosia Roses! This stunning design features striking peach alstroemeria and coral roses. With its fiery blooms, Ambrosia Roses is sure to bring the heat and a smile to their face!
Shown at $60.00
Shown at $60.00
Ardent Expressions Bud Vase in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Ardent Expressions
Bud Vase
With spirited Stargazer lilies and dynamic red roses, Ardent Expressions is a stellar combo suited for many different occasions. Grand expressions come in all shapes and sizes, and this fiery bouquet is no exception! Send this dazzling arrangement to someone you love.
Shown at $45.00
Shown at $45.00
Cool Yellow Sunrise Yellow Roses Bouquet in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Cool Yellow Sunrise
Yellow Roses Bouquet
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00
Half Dozen Pink Roses Vase Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Half Dozen Pink Roses
Vase Arrangement
Sparks will fly when they see this bouquet! The delicate pink roses pair beautifully with purple statice, giving this arrangement an extra bit of beauty. Take standard roses to the next level with the Half Dozen Pink Roses bouquet! They're the perfect way to show how much you care. Remember, some flowers or containers may be substituted depending on current availability.
Shown at $55.00
Shown at $55.00
Orange and Gold Floral Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Orange and Gold
Floral Arrangement
Shown at $55.00
Shown at $55.00
Amazing Day Bouquet Spring Flowers in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Amazing Day Bouquet
Spring Flowers
Make their day amazing with this exquisite arrangement! With pink gerberas, lavender roses, white snapdragons, pink larkspur, and more, Amazing Day Bouquet is bursting with color and good vibes. Spread some joy and make someone's day with this vibrant bouquet!
Shown at $75.00
Shown at $75.00
Epic Bloomers Bouquet in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Epic Bloomers
Showing appreciation for the ones we love is always important. This epic bouquet is filled to the brim with hot pink gerberas, spray roses, and lavender alstroemeria. From your spouse to your best friend, why not celebrate with a blooming good arrangement?
Shown at $60.00
Shown at $60.00
Festive Surprise Vase Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Festive Surprise
Vase Arrangement
They’ll be envied by all when receiving this colorful bouquet! Featuring hot pink roses, yellow daisy poms, orange roses, green hydrangeas, and more, Festive Surprise is bursting with color and vibrancy. Make their day bright and festive with this charming bouquet!
Shown at $75.00
Shown at $75.00
Fiesta Time! Bouquet in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Fiesta Time!
Bring excitement to life with Fiesta Time! With yellow lilies, purple irises, orange mini roses, red gerberas, and orange alstroemeria, this vibrant arrangement brings a party to any room. Bright and colorful, this arrangement is sure to dazzle!
Shown at $70.00
Shown at $70.00
Made In The USA Patriotic Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Made In The USA
Patriotic Arrangement
Send Blooms Bursting in Air! This Red, White and Blue flower arrangement features a small American flag and lots of patriotic appeal for a great Summer pick-me-up! Call and order a vase of bright summer blooms for someone special or order flowers online 24/7.
Shown at $55.00
Shown at $55.00

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
Buy Now
Graduating from high school is one of the most exciting moments in a teen's life and one they should be proud of. Show them your support by sending a graduation bouquet in their honor. Let Blue Creek Florist in Dunnellon help you choose an arrangement to match any grad's style -- from elegance and sophistication to fun and playful, we can do it all!