Family-Owned Local Dunnellon Florist serving Dunnellon, Moriston, and the surrounding areas.

New Baby Flowers
New Baby Florals Designer's Choice in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
New Baby Florals
Designer's Choice
Welcome the new baby to the world with beautiful flowers! These fresh blooms are perfect for celebrating the life they’re about to live. If you’re not sure which flowers are best for the occasion, you’ve come to the right place! Our florists have created our Designer’s Choice New Baby arrangement perfect for the little one.
Shown at $65.00
Shown at $65.00
Array of Pinks Floral Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Array of Pinks
Floral Arrangement
Talk about a pink lover’s dream! Bursting with gorgeous lilies, roses, tulips, hydrangeas, and more, all in varying shades of pink, Array of Pinks is sure to steal the spotlight in any room. Add a pop of pink to any room or occasion with this pretty bouquet!
Shown at $65.00
Shown at $65.00
Blue Bundles of Joy Basket Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Blue Bundles of Joy
Basket Arrangement
This beautiful basket of blue flowers is sure to make them smile! With pretty eucalyptus, daisies, larkspur, hydrangea, stock, tulips, carnations, and roses, Blue Bundles of Joy is perfect for birthdays, welcoming a new family member, or any other occasion.
Shown at $70.00
Shown at $70.00
Breathtaking Blush Floral Design in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Breathtaking Blush
Floral Design
This stunning bouquet sure is sweet! Featuring a dazzling array of pink hydrangeas, lavender mini carnations, white daisy poms, and more, Breathtaking Blush is full of elegance and grace. Send this delightful bouquet to the ones you love today!
Shown at $75.00
Shown at $75.00
Brush of Blooms Flower Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Brush of Blooms
Flower Arrangement
Add a rustic flair to any room with this beautiful box! Featuring fiery orange roses, lush green carnations, and majestic purple statice, Brush of Blooms is full of life and color. This gorgeous box of blooms is sure to dazzle all who receive it!
Shown at $50.00
Shown at $50.00
Gentle Dreams Basket Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Gentle Dreams
Basket Arrangement
Drift away into bliss with our Gentle Dreams basket! Lavender flowers, including carnations, daisy poms, and spider mums are snuggled together in a basket and tied off with a pretty purple ribbon. For a gift that's as sweet and sentimental as they are, give this arrangement a try!
Shown at $45.00
Shown at $45.00
Hints of Sapphire Flower Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Hints of Sapphire
Flower Arrangement
This charming arrangement is sure to delight! The gorgeous blue larkspur stands out beautifully against the wondrous white spray roses, divine white hydrangeas, and pretty white stock, making Hints of Sapphire a striking mix. Calming and peaceful, anyone would be delighted to receive this elegant arrangement!
Shown at $65.00
Shown at $65.00
Pink Bundles of Joy Basket Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Pink Bundles of Joy
Basket Arrangement
This adorable bundle of pink blooms is the perfect way to spread some cheer! Beautiful hydrangea, Sweet Unique roses, pink and white gerberas, pale pink snapdragons, pink tulips, and pink waxflower overflow in a cute basket for a sweet arrangement that's full of joy. Send Pink Bundles of Joy today!
Shown at $65.00
Shown at $65.00
Rose's Blush Vase Arrangement  in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Rose's Blush
Vase Arrangement
Rose's Blush is a sweet confection of pink and purple flowers including roses, tulips, asters, and lilies. This pretty pink wonder is great for welcoming new life, a new season, or telling your favorite lady you love her.
Shown at $75.00
Shown at $75.00
Tiny Blue Blessing Basket of Flowers in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Tiny Blue Blessing
Basket of Flowers
Tasteful and timeless, this gorgeous basket is sure to inspire! Featuring gorgeous white gerberas, lovely white larkspur, beautiful white mini carnations, stunning white roses, a soft blue plush, and more, Tiny Blue Blessings will be a stylish addition to any room. Send some blessings to the ones you love today!
Shown at $60.00
Shown at $60.00
Tiny Pink Blessing Basket of Flowers in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Tiny Pink Blessing
Basket of Flowers
This lovely basket arrangement will take their breath away! With exquisite white gerberas, beautiful pink snapdragons, gorgeous light pink tulips, vibrant pink spray roses, a soft pink plush, and more, Tiny Pink Blessings will bring joy to everyone who receives it. Send your loved ones this magnificent basket today!
Shown at $60.00
Shown at $60.00
Welcome Baby Girl Flower Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Welcome Baby Girl
Flower Arrangement
This delicate arrangement is sure to delight! With lovely white Asiatic lilies, picturesque white mini spray roses, dazzling pink and white alstroemeria, beautiful pink gerberas, and more, this charming bouquet is sure to bring cheer to any room. Send this exquisite arrangement to welcome the newest addition to the family!
Shown at $55.00
Shown at $55.00
Chantilly Pink Roses Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Chantilly Pink Roses
Your Mom deserves to know how much you care. Give her a Mother's Day gift that declares what she means to you. Pink roses are known to symbolize love, gratitude and appreciation. Giving this flower arrangement will show your adoration for her.
Shown at $80.00
Shown at $80.00
Good Morning Sunshine Roses Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Good Morning Sunshine
Roses Arrangement
Shown at $75.00
Shown at $75.00
Half Dozen Pink Roses Vase Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Half Dozen Pink Roses
Vase Arrangement
Sparks will fly when they see this bouquet! The delicate pink roses pair beautifully with purple statice, giving this arrangement an extra bit of beauty. Take standard roses to the next level with the Half Dozen Pink Roses bouquet! They're the perfect way to show how much you care. Remember, some flowers or containers may be substituted depending on current availability.
Shown at $57.00
Shown at $57.00
Primetime Pink Roses Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Primetime Pink Roses
These bubblegum pink roses are a sweet treat for your delectable darling! Show your appreciation with a dozen pink roses perfect for Mother's Day.
Shown at $75.00
Shown at $75.00
Rose Garden Basket Ivory Roses Arrangement in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Rose Garden Basket
Ivory Roses Arrangement
Shown at $60.00
Shown at $60.00
Young Love Vase Arrangement  in Dunnellon, FL | Blue Creek Florist
Young Love
Vase Arrangement
More than your average dozen roses, Young Love is created for the young at heart. Green button poms are snuggled with light pink roses while purple larkspur rises to greet the one you love. For love of all kinds, this design will always shine.
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
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It's a boy! It's a girl! Welcome the newest family member by sending mom and dad a new baby flower arrangement. Whether it's a baby girl or a baby boy, send your best wishes to the new parents as they welcome their bundle of joy. We offer delivery to most hospitals in our area. Before placing your order for hospital delivery, reach out and ask about their flower delivery protocol. We want to make sure mom and baby get their special gift.